
Acme Computer - IT Buzz for Business

May 6, 2015


Backing up your data on a regular basis is one of the most important strategies your small business can establish today. On-site data backups as well as off-site backups are critical in protecting your business in the event a disaster should strike. Simply put, if you lose your data you could also lose your business.

Create a plan for continual data backup and stick to it. It’s one of the best insurance policies you will ever invest in.

Here are 5 simple tips for better data backup strategies:

1. Automate Your Backup

Create an automatic backup schedule so that your data will be backed up at least once a day. Have multiple back up locations in the event a disaster does occur at your facility, such as fire or flood.

2. Backup Everything

Make sure you back up everything – not just your important files but also websites, emails, databases and applications. In the case of a disaster, a full restore will provide you with access to all your files and bookmarks. Google Chrome is a good way to save all of your bookmarks and access them from anywhere.

3. Keep It Remote

Use another backup option besides an extra hard drive on your server. If your server goes down, you will need to have access to all your data in order to get your new server up and running. Cloud backup has become relatively inexpensive and it is a great way to ensure that you will always have access to your data in the event of a disaster.

4. Periodically Test Your Backups

Having a backup is one thing. Knowing for certain that you will be able to restore your data from it is another. Be sure to test the integrity of your backups on a periodic basis to make sure your strategy is implemented properly and working correctly. Establish a procedure to test your automatic backups in order to be sure that your data is being saved every time.

5. Get Help If Necessary

Most cloud backup services include excellent support to help you back up your data correctly. If you are unsure, check with an IT service company that can evaluate your backup procedures and test the results. Acme Computer provides data backup services and well as complete managed IT services throughout the Medford area, and we would be happy to help you set up a reliable backup regiment. Call us at 541-200-1550 to schedule a free consultation or contact us online.
