
Acme Computer - IT Buzz for Business

October 17, 2018 — by:

If you operate a small or mid-size business and rely on your in-house network and stored data to deliver services to your Data_center_co-location_facilitycustomers, you know how expensive it can be to maintain security and manage operating efficiencies.

For many businesses and organizations, the question becomes how best to grow the business, manage the budget, and secure the data without the financial burden of added capital expenditures and expanded IT costs. It can be quite a juggling act.

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September 6, 2018 — by:

It_engineer_in_data_centerWhen computer hackers steal customer data or hold your site ransom, and it’s happening more and more often today, liable companies can lose a small fortune making things right. A monitored and secure network is critical to protecting your business, your customers,  and your professional reputation. Unfortunately, most small to midsize businesses lack the resources to maintain a highly qualified in-house staff to combat security threats, manage networks, and address ongoing IT issues.

With managed IT services, a professional third-party provider handles the issues that often get back-burnered such as data backup and recovery, network security, real-time systems monitoring, timely problem resolution, and a lot more.

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September 6, 2018 — by:

As a business owner, you are already aware of the importance of protecting your assets. First-rate locks, alarm systems, and other security measures go a long way toward achieving that, but for exceptional security, a video surveillance system is an absolute must.


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June 16, 2016 — by:

Cal-Ore Communications profiles Cael Weston and Acme Computer in “Big Challenges, Big Opportunities,” about a  partnership that helps keep businesses in southern Oregon and northern California running smoothly, securely, and within budget.


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June 16, 2016 — by:

Acme Computer’s network vendor of choice, Juniper Networks, recently landed two top-tier clients, Starbucks and Nike. Both companies chose Juniper Networks as the provider of network gear, it was announced.

Acme has installed and supports hundreds of Juniper routers and switches in schools, businesses, non-profits, and government agencies in California and Oregon since 2012.

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July 16, 2015 — by:

Windows 10 will be officially released very soon. Businesses are now tasked with determining whether their companies should upgrade to the new operating system when it becomes available. The five reasons to upgrade to Windows 10 below will help IT professionals and business owners better understand the benefits that come with making the change.


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June 27, 2015 — by:

Acme Computer is always on the lookout for the best and the brightest when it comes to IT talent — computer network designers, engineers, and technology specialists — to support its growing client base located throughout Southern Oregon and Northern California.

Acme Computer at Siskiyou Job Fair

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June 10, 2015 — by:

Businesses that are not using cloud services will be in the minority by 2020. Many are already at a competitive disadvantage — from the local bakery that scribbles orders on slips of paper to the large accounting firm in need of high-level data security.

What is Cloud Computing?

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May 6, 2015 — by:


Backing up your data on a regular basis is one of the most important strategies your small business can establish today. On-site data backups as well as off-site backups are critical in protecting your business in the event a disaster should strike. Simply put, if you lose your data you could also lose your business.

Create a plan for continual data backup and stick to it. It’s one of the best insurance policies you will ever invest in.

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April 11, 2015 — by:


New IT Reports Written for CEOs, CFOs, and Business Owners

Business leaders are taking control of their IT assets by demanding the same transparency from their Information Technology departments that they demand from every other department. Acme Computer’s new generation IT reports deliver detailed systems health reports, 5-year equipment replacement schedules, and regularly updated technology budgets written with the CEO, CFO, and business owner in mind.

Whether your IT services are provided by in-house staff or by an outside vendor, Acme Computer puts the power back where it belongs.

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